Let me ask all of you a question would God put all of these religions in the world to fight and kill each other, cause confusion and turn people away from him? Wouldn't that be evil in itself, like an evil joke? Of course, the holy books are to teach good, sinless, humane, rational behavior. So for everyone to fighting over religion goes against what God tries to teach through the Torah, Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita and The New Worlds Testament. The Holy book which God came over me and made me a prophet to write and you can view on this web site. This is not some kind of money making hoax or publicity stunt, it's a Holy Book God came over me to write to teach the world that following God and living the way God tells us to live, not sinning against each other and practicing good, humane, rational behavior is the only way for mankind to have any peace.  
   A society comes down to how people behave and what people value, it's that simple the more ungodly, inhumane, lustful and irrational people behave the more they will fight and the strong will conquer and oppress the weak. It's not strange that the world economy here in 2011 is failing, every ungodly power structure being it's full of corrupt people has always throughout history been out to enslave the masses and hoard all of the wealth. Many don't stop and think, but I say if corrupt government officials hoard all the wealth and keep the masses poor, if business hoards all the wealth not paying good wages and keep the masses poor, or if the chruch hoards tons of wealth and keeps the masses poor, well the people are still poor, so none of these institutions can be full of corrupt ungodly people that hoard all of the wealth. Divorce , infidelity, teen pregnancy, drug use, gang violence, wars, social disease, divisive and irrational political views are all caused by ungodliness. From the greedy boss, banker, king, dictator, the lazy worker, gang leader, drug lord, politicans taking bribes, to the person that never tries to get off welfare. All cause society problems and cause HUMAN SUFFERING. So God's word is more than about heaven and hell it's about bringing peace, justice and fairness to a society and the world. One humane truth, to fight the One World Order the poweful elite would like. The Holy books are guidance for humanity.
    This is not a religion teaching you that for a tithe you will get magic money out  of heaven, like corrupt business minded CHRISTIANITY teaches because in reality if we all tried to live like JESUS money wouldn't even exist, because we would all be HUMANITARIANS. The true church which the Aluminate' is, is to keep societies and the world out of social chaos by teaching people and reminding people to worship God by the way they LIVE and practice GOOD, HUMANE RATIONAL BEHAVIOR at all times. Making the world better starts with all of us and that means you changing for the better on the inside and with your actions, valuing what God teaches us instead of what the ungodly world teaches us, the teaching of the {slave masters}, the ones that figure out ways to get rich by doing nothing but corrupting you while you work harder and harder and get poorer and poorer. WHEN MEN AND WOMEN REALIZE THAT EASING THE SUFFERING OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS AND STANDING UP FOR JUSTICE IN THE NAME OF GOD IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN MANSIONS, YACHTS, PRIVATE PLANES, GOLD, DIAMONDS AND FINE CLOTHES THEY WILL HAVE  "SEEN THE LIGHT" OF WHAT MAKES A PERSON IMPORTANT!!!!!

REMEMBER, THE TRUE IMPORTANCE OF A PERSON IS NOT HOW MUCH WEALTH HE HOARDED WHILE OTHERS SUFFERED, IT'S WHAT HE OR SHE DID TO EASE HUMAN SUFFERING AND MAKE THE WORLD MORE HUMANE. Now if you disagree would you like me to me the king, CEO, business owner, dictator, gang leader, drug lord or whatever name he or she may go by, would you like me to work you hard, pay you little, and make you suffer while you had nothing or poison you? Of course not SO REPENT AND TURN TO GOD AND BE MORE HUMANE.

Now let me say this, if you kill or persecute me or someone who follows this religion, what will it be for? Was I or they too humane, for us trying to bring world peace and easing the human suffering of people? Well if you do that makes you a parasite that doesn't care who suffers or a brown nose that will gladly hurt someone for money or to wrongly keep someone in power and I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to hurt you for money or so they can stay in power so don't hurt someone else. A parasite sucks on people {an oppressor that works you hard for little} and leaves poison in people that makes people suffer. A brown nose will gladly help and follow a parasite and do EVIL to innocent people for status or money. We're not here to play God, just live the way God tells us. So to persecute someone simply because they have different beliefs means you're playing God, so don't.I won't persecute someone simply because they have different beliefs. I'm not looking to be your dictator or a world dictator I'm trying to get people to follow God under ONE humane truth. 

This Holy Book is not to create war, it's to stop war between religions and everyone else, you're not being God's favorite because you say you're superior and cause the suffering of everyone else, you become a favorite of God by learning and following ALL of his major Holy Books the Bible, Koran {Quaran, Qu'ran}, Bhagavad Gita and This New World Testament and you make this world a better more humane place.

A TRUE CHURCH IS TO TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO PLEASE GOD, MAKE IT TO HEAVEN AND MAKE THE WORLD THE FAIR, JUST, HUMANE PLACE GOD WOULD LIKE IT TO BE AS MUCH OF A UTOPIA AS POSSIBLE . IT SHOULD BE THE ULTIMATE HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION AND THE ULTIMATE MEDIATOR IN DISPUTES AROUND THE THE WORLD USING THE WORD OF GOD. THE WORD OF GOD IS THE ONLY FAIR HUMANE UNBIAS LAW ON EARTH, THE FOUNDATION FOR ALL FAIR LAW. The church is not supposed to be or become a greedy, profit minded, power hungry, oppressive power structure like the ungodly world helping to deceive and enslave innocent people men or women, it's supposed to teach and speak out against ungodly power structures around the world. The church is supposed to educate the people in what's humane. true according to the Holy Books with the New Worlds Testament being the latest revelation from God. God did not put us all here for a few people to hoard most of the wealth, and cause the rest of us to suffer. He did not put us here to be ignorant, sinful, corrupt savages that just look to get all we can and contribute nothing to humantity. He sent JESUS the MESSIAH to be the role model of good humane behavior for humanity. He was the great HUMANITARIAN revolutionary that stood up to the corrupt ungodly power structure and was willing to go to the cross for his cause, he was the ultimate man of HUMANITARIAN STRENGTH and COURAGE. that is why he is the MESSIAH, he wasn't meant to be used like a rabbits foot to get selfish miracles of power, money and material!! 

To God be the glory.

Go to the volume index, find the sermon you want to read and go to  corresponding page. Example Book of "D", Book of Darren,  A,  AA,  4A, 8A, ect.

P.S. Please forgive me for some of the hand drawings and corrections, I'm not great with a computer. Remember it's the message in the text and the lessons for the world that count. The Holy Book is in the form that it is handed out in so feel free to download or have others view it on line but don't change or tamper with it to suit personal agenda. If you do that I curse you and may God curse you.

I will be scanning the beginnings of volume 4, and eventually the book of advice if possible so keep a look out for it.
​Remember, the key to pleasing God is to Be As sinless and humane as possible and do as many good works for humanity and the world as possible!!!!!!